Earth & Beyond


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Welcome to the Fan Section
Welcome to the Earth & Beyond fan submission pages. Each month we will showcase one fan submission as "Submission of the Month" in each of the categories. With an ca account, users will be able to upload screenshots, art, videos, music, stories and links! Just use submission form!

All submissions will be reviewed prior to posting of the material. You can edit an approved submission, but the item will be moved back into the unapproved queue until it is reviewed again. You can have up to 10 unapproved submissions at one time. As your submissions are approved, you can add more. There is a 5 mb limit per submission. Several types of music and video files are acceptable; art can be accepted as either a .jpg or .gif file. At this time we cannot accept uploads for Fan Fiction, but the form does accept copy and paste commands.

Have a cool screenshot you'd like others to see? Want to show off your artistic abilities? Send us your Earth & Beyond artwork in a .gif or .jpg format! Just use the submission form!

If you've written a story about the world of Earth & Beyond, why not share it? Submit your tale of space adventures using the submission form!


Can't get that beat out of your head? If you've got a song you'd like to share with other Earth & Beyond folks, use the submission form and start dancing! Several file formats are accepted.

If you've got an Earth & Beyond link the world should know about, this is your chance! Just use the submission form and get ready for the internet traffic!


Did you tape your adventures in Earth & Beyond? Now you've got a place to showcase that exciting flight in space. Just use the submission form!

This is place to submit all your Earth & Beyond material for review. We are accepting Earth & Beyond fan fiction, art, video, music and links. Just fill out the form! Some file types are not accepted. There is a 5 mb limit on uploaded material. Individuals can have up to 10 unapproved items in the review queue.


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